Song: “SHE” by Alice Phoebe Lou
Record label: Independent
Performed by: Alice Phoebe Lou, Matteo Pavesi and Job Schellekens
Production: Hermes production, bazina.sass+
Created and Directed by: Natalia Bazina Executive
Producer: Natalia Skilarova
DOP: Evgeny Kozlov
Underwater Cameramen: Boris Udin
Art Director: AnastasiaKlokova, Nadezda Voronenkova Makeup: Masha Fomina
Editor: Ilya Lebedev, Natalia Bazina
Colorist: Andrey Mesnyankin
Cover Photographer: Natalia Bazina
Special thanks to the young stars — Agata Orekhova & Vera Panyukova