Ima Johnen was born in Paris and grew up in Berlin, where she studied musicology and communication sciences as well as journalism. Parallel to her studies, she gained first experiences as a music journalist, founded and managed different projects such as the socio-cultural media project BLN.FM and the association CreAid e.V. with the aim of supporting and promoting refugee musicians.
Ima Johnen has been working as project and studio manager at Riverside Studios since 2016. In 2019 she took over the management of Riverside Studios and wants to contribute to shape the music industry with her work as an area of lived diversity. The focus of her work is on music creators and the strengthening of their role in the music industry – an industry that is still considered a male domain today. Despite initiatives like Keychange, there are currently more successful men than women in all areas of the music industry. The promotion and empowerment of women in the cultural and creative industries is therefore a special concern of Ima’s, and one that she is committed to.